Friday, October 09, 2009

War and Peace

Today everyone woke up to the surprising news of Barack Obama winning the Nobel prize for peace. This news has stirred up a debate about his candidacy for the prize, with people questioning the basis or the deeds which led to him winning the prize. I must admit that i never dreamt in my wildest dreams that he would win the prize.

What has he done? none of his promises have bore any fruit till now be it the Israel palestine conflict or his promise to talk with Iran, his efforts to free the world of the nuclear weapons. Frankly speaking he has done nothing, he has only talked about it. The nobel committee feels that his efforts in bringing together leaders and reaching out to people in middle east and western asia is a start in the right direction. The lecture which he gave at the Cairo University was certainly a good start.

I support the viewpoints of the people opposed to his name for the coveted prize, but then we are forgetting a point that nobel peace prize is more about a political statement rather than a right person being nominated for it. Certainly there were better candidates this year be it the Zimbabwean leader Morgan Tsvangirai, but there is a message that the nobel committee wants to send out this year.

The message is clear, it wants to put pressure on US to stop taking the military option in solving conflicts. Bearing in mind the conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan , it does not want to see Iran conflict taking the same shape. Obama being the commander in chief of the most powerful force in the world would think twice before using any military option. There has been a lot of expectation from Obama ever since he assumed the presidency of the united states. He has tried to mend relations with the world which were thwarted by the arrogant stance of George Bush , who was at war while he went to sleep.

Cynics would bash this choice for the nobel prize, his supporters would now think that he is the ultimate saviour of the world. But the expectation or the promises may never be fulfilled. So we all must tread cautiously, without expecting miracles. Today's decision perhaps reflects this sense of expectation, the optimism that Obama would make every thing right. Will he become the second man to walk on water, perhaps time will tell, but today's decision reflects the hopes of people all around the world. I am sure he is no "Mahatma" or "Martin Luther King", but its very easy to point fingers at others, without putting your feet in his shoes.

When he ran for Presidency, opponents said he was more of a celebrity with exceptional oratory skills, but he proved everyone wrong. Many would think today's decision is influenced by the power of the US, but then who says everything which happens is fair. Some how i have this feeling that people are wary of his success, his rise has been so meteoric that no one expected.
I can only say that we must respect the fact that he has done all this through his hard work, and in your journey of success you reach some heights which you have never dreamt, may be it is just one of these days!!!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Power Of Finger!!

I regret the fact the we all take this right for granted!!! ... when over half the population all over the world is ruled by dictators.Just wish that the remaining 47 who didn't vote some day stand up lighting candles and demand their rights.....

Thursday, March 12, 2009


As the saying goes, whatever begins has to come to an end ...perhaps i am glad that today it has come to an end..the ordeal is over ... i have tried to live these two years with minimum fuss and complexity in my life ..where the soul goal was to focus on my dream of a grad school ...and i have pretty much achieved the same. This time has not been easy, i have sat in class rooms where the walls were like a prison. I have seen professors blabber stuff which is utter nonsense, people giving presentations where they expressed one sentence in 10 lines ... going round and round like a jalebi ...with little content and all gas ...and they bloody say that ..they are Einsteins deserving all the fame and moolaha....

I did try to be patient, but then there was always and adversary which always challenged my temper ,be it the unprofessional behavior shown in the classes , disrespecting your batch mates...and thinking that they are too cultured to be with someone ..i must say that modernity is not being hep .... going to pubs ...laughing at others ... just becoz ... they are not part of your culture ... the best way to answer them is to reach pedestals that they can never imagine to reach ... there's no way of doing right a wrong thing ....just becoz the rest of the class does it you follow it and vindicate the same... I know life is not fair , but then it's upto us to leave a level playing fiels and not to bask in the glory ...whose foundations have been shaky ......

I have realised that people have been judging others ,on a set of parameters which they think are best for them... but i am glad that people who have been considered outsiders have walked away with the highest laurels in the class, be it the best pay packets or the admits to the prestigious universities ...perhaps this might open their eyes and they would stop having negative opinion about them ...considering them weird .... dehaati... and what not .... please look at where you stand and then have opinions about the others. I have tried to be calm but as the adversary argument tries to challenge your solution to an algorithm .. i am driven on by the negative vibes that i get ... it challenges me to transcend horizons and leave them far behind ... never to look at them.

I would admit that i have made pretty good friends in these two years and will never forget ..perhaps it's bcoz of them that i have been able to live my time out here.. i am thankful to you all .... but i am pretty happy that it's all over and i would not interact with people ...who want to make it big in life by using whatever means .... they think is right ..

ALL THE BEST TO THEM ... but remember that you cannot reach horizons which demand true hardwork and diligence .....