My daily ritual ,waking up at 7 in the morning with my blurry eyes ,double clicking on my mozilla ,entering the words "ORKUT" and then pressing control+enter .
(sorry i would not reveal my username and passwrord),and then i seem to get stuck to this site for at least an hour doing nothing but wasting my time ,but i still love to do it,and the question that i ask my self again again is why i do it ???
well simply speaking i have no answer to it ,in short i am ADDICTED to it and this is quite contrary to the days when i did not even bothered to open my orkut account for one and a half years after my friend sent me an invitation ,after i inquired what's this ORKUT all about in my undergraduate college.
I never even bothered to accept any friend request that people sent me seriously speaking i thought it to be a "piece of crap",bt thinks changed in April last year when i logged into my orkut account ,and saw there's a world out there to be explored,literally speaking i did not even have a single scrap during these 18 months ,though had at least 10 friend requests,people in my college were always fighting on the no of scraps they had ,and i thought what's this fuss all about ,they talked as if the scraps pointed to the cash balance in your account ,well i have realized today that unless one uses ORKUT he would not be able to understand the importance of the no of scraps(they tell something about ur popularity) or for that matter the no of fans that u have made ,and the best way to increase them is to be fan of others.
Now ORKUT is not total time pass as i used to think earlier it has helped me trace my friends ,who had no contact with me for the past ten years or so ,and my school friends whom i did not contact after leaving school for many years ,but the best thing is that u make friends from all around the world on orkut ,i made a dear one from Brazil and i think though i don't know this guy but there is a bonding with me as our interests are almost the same coding assembly language and having endless discussion on football.
For total time pass the best thing is to go to any Brazilian communities and send friend request to all the girls there ,and if u don't know Portuguese it does not matter Google translator is out there to help me ,trust me it works quite good i have been chatting and scrapping using it for so many months and the girl's think i am good at Portuguese.
The best thing about orkut is this policy of open scrap book which makes it easy to know what's happening in everyones life ,without the others coming to know that You have been spying on them ,one more feature which adds to the fascination is the "recent profile visitors" one becomes quite excited to know who all have visited your profile ,though this feature can be turned off but the this adds to the fun ,i know that people would come to know that i am visiting their profile and spying on them but does it matter i don't think adds to the legend of the more use that i forgot is that it acts as a good birthday reminder (in case u forget them ,as i do).
and how could i forget the testimonials on orkut ,they have helped me a lot, i have received some strange emails (from girls) after reading the testimonials on my page that my friends have written for me ,i have also been on a testimonial writing marathon for months now ,problem being that i don't have enough good words which make people happy, i have begged so many time to people to write a testimonial for me but only a few have responded till now.
Whatever ,the name ORKUT has become a part of my life ,and i am sure i would not be able to leave it for sure so in short HAPPY ORKUTTING!!!!
ps:you can check my orkut profile here daman
(sorry i would not reveal my username and passwrord),and then i seem to get stuck to this site for at least an hour doing nothing but wasting my time ,but i still love to do it,and the question that i ask my self again again is why i do it ???
well simply speaking i have no answer to it ,in short i am ADDICTED to it and this is quite contrary to the days when i did not even bothered to open my orkut account for one and a half years after my friend sent me an invitation ,after i inquired what's this ORKUT all about in my undergraduate college.
I never even bothered to accept any friend request that people sent me seriously speaking i thought it to be a "piece of crap",bt thinks changed in April last year when i logged into my orkut account ,and saw there's a world out there to be explored,literally speaking i did not even have a single scrap during these 18 months ,though had at least 10 friend requests,people in my college were always fighting on the no of scraps they had ,and i thought what's this fuss all about ,they talked as if the scraps pointed to the cash balance in your account ,well i have realized today that unless one uses ORKUT he would not be able to understand the importance of the no of scraps(they tell something about ur popularity) or for that matter the no of fans that u have made ,and the best way to increase them is to be fan of others.
Now ORKUT is not total time pass as i used to think earlier it has helped me trace my friends ,who had no contact with me for the past ten years or so ,and my school friends whom i did not contact after leaving school for many years ,but the best thing is that u make friends from all around the world on orkut ,i made a dear one from Brazil and i think though i don't know this guy but there is a bonding with me as our interests are almost the same coding assembly language and having endless discussion on football.
For total time pass the best thing is to go to any Brazilian communities and send friend request to all the girls there ,and if u don't know Portuguese it does not matter Google translator is out there to help me ,trust me it works quite good i have been chatting and scrapping using it for so many months and the girl's think i am good at Portuguese.
The best thing about orkut is this policy of open scrap book which makes it easy to know what's happening in everyones life ,without the others coming to know that You have been spying on them ,one more feature which adds to the fascination is the "recent profile visitors" one becomes quite excited to know who all have visited your profile ,though this feature can be turned off but the this adds to the fun ,i know that people would come to know that i am visiting their profile and spying on them but does it matter i don't think adds to the legend of the more use that i forgot is that it acts as a good birthday reminder (in case u forget them ,as i do).
and how could i forget the testimonials on orkut ,they have helped me a lot, i have received some strange emails (from girls) after reading the testimonials on my page that my friends have written for me ,i have also been on a testimonial writing marathon for months now ,problem being that i don't have enough good words which make people happy, i have begged so many time to people to write a testimonial for me but only a few have responded till now.
Whatever ,the name ORKUT has become a part of my life ,and i am sure i would not be able to leave it for sure so in short HAPPY ORKUTTING!!!!
ps:you can check my orkut profile here daman